

Grades 8th-12th

5:30 pm-7:00 pm

  • Series 1
    • March 3rd
    • March 10th
    • March 17th
    • March 24th
    • March 31st
  • Series 2
    • April 7th
    • April 14th
    • April 21st
    • April 28th
  • Both Series


Coach Bulk is a Level II Certified Functional Strength Coach. She follows the CFSC model of strength and conditioning which is an evidence-based system focused on functional anatomy. Workouts aim to build speed, power, and optimal functional performance. Each program includes instruction in movement training, injury reduction and rehabilitation, linear and lateral speed techniques, foot speed and agility, explosive power development, proper functional strength training, and energy system conditioning. The program also uses workout periods that start with basic bodily/motor control/adaptation and working up to explosive strength work. Program goals are preventing training injuries in the weight room, reducing performance injury in practice/games, and improving performance in games/competitions.

Workouts incorporate:

  • SPEED – Acceleration, Deceleration, Linear and Lateral Movement Techniques, Running Mechanics, Footwork
  • EXPLOSIVE POWER –Olympic Lifting, Plyometrics, Med Ball Training, Jumping & Landing Techniques
  • STRENGTH – Functional Approach, Thorough Instruction, Focus on Upper Body, Lower Body & Core
  • CONDITIONING – Game Ready Preparation for all Athletes.
  • FLEXIBILITY – Myofascial Release (Foam Rolling), Various Forms of Stretching, Muscle Activation
  • INJURY REDUCTION – Identify & Correct Muscular Imbalances, Balance & Stabilization